Once your parcel has been shipped from our warehouse in the Netherlands, you will receive a confirmation email that includes the tracking number and a link to view the current delivery status from the courier’s website. Please check your spam folder as the shipping confirmation could be there.
Can I change when and where my package will be delivered after I placed my order?
It depends! Our shipping partners DHL, Hermes/Evri, Colissimo, and GLS will send you a confirmation email of your parcel. You can use this to set your desired delivery location, such as a parcel shop, or change the delivery day.
If the courier attempts delivery when you're not home, you can see via the parcel tracking whether your parcel has been delivered to a neighbour for example.
Has your parcel been shipped, but not delivered?
You might want to check if the package has been delivered to a neighbour. If this is not the case and the package has not been delivered to you within one week after dispatch, please contact us via our contact form.
Your order is sent back to O'Neill?
Your package will be automatically processed as a return. If you would still like to receive the goods you would have to place a new order in our online shop.
Still waiting for your package?
Orders are shipped according to our standard rates in the table below. You might also want to check if the package has been delivered to a neighbour. If this is not the case and the package has not been delivered to you within one week after dispatch, please contact us via our contact form.
Country | Current delivery in business days |
United Kingdom | 8-9 |
Austria | 6-7 |
Belgium | 5-6 |
Denmark | 4-5 |
Estonia | 6-7 |
Finland | 6-7 |
France | 7-8 |
Germany | 7 |
Greece | 7-8 |
Hungary | 5-6 |
Italy | 5-6 |
Luxembourg | 3-4 |
Netherlands | 5 |
Poland | 4-5 |
Portugal | 5-6 |
Romania | 6-7 |
Spain | 5-6 |
Sweden | 6-7 |